SINCE 1999

We have been committed to identifying genetic, rare, and undiagnosed diseases.

We do 90% of our tests with our designs, and with our R&D infrastructure.

In 1999, we started our journey with these principles: “giving importance to people, life, and science”. Since then; We participate in diagnosis and treatment development studies in genetic diseases by devising patient-specific tests even for a single patient.

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Our portfolio includes over 5500 genetic tests, and 90% of them were developed with our own R&D vision.

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Educational Studies

We have 23 years of experience in education, which we pass on to anyone who desires to learn.

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Scientific Projects

We have worked on over 100 projects, resulting in over 250 international publications and innovation awards. Still our focus remains on patient satisfaction and the pride of our country.

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Our Physicians

We work with a patient and team-centered participatory management approach.

Dr. Mengü Türker, MD, Pathologist
Dr. Harun Bal, MD
Dr. Gizem Güneş, MD
Dr. Hasan Baş, MD, Geneticist
Contact Us
Intergen Genetics and Rare Diseases Diagnosis Center
No:5, 2119. St. , Mustafa Kemal
Our center is within walking distance of Bilkent metro station and Bilkent bridge. You can easily reach our center from central regions such as Kızılay, AŞTİ and Sıhhiye by metro and public transportation vehicles.