Scientific Projects

Scientific Projects

Projects in which our center is an executive and partner, projects in which it is a researcher and consultant, and finally, projects in which it takes part as a service provider.



Our center is working on four different scientific projects.


• Projects in which our center is co-executive and partner

These projects often work in the way that we have an idea or an intellectual partnership. While some of these projects are carried out only by the Intergen team, some of them have partners from universities and other institutions.


• Projects in which our center is a researcher

In these projects, we often do not have an opinion and participate in the project process as a researcher.


• Our center is a consultant

We try to contribute to some projects with our experience and at some stage, such as the supply of biological samples for study. We often take part in these projects as consultants.


• Projects in which our center is a service provider

In these projects, we provide scientific and technical support regarding the techniques mentioned below and in stages such as project design.


Services We Provide at the Point of Scientific Projects

• Project Design and Writing

• Laboratory Studies and Laboratory Test Design

• Primer and Oligo Design and Installation

• Sequence Analysis (Sanger Sequencing)

• Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

• Real-Time PCR applications (including Expression analysis)

• Microarray Applications

• Scientific Reporting (Thesis article and project report design)


Our projects

Publicly Supported Projects

1- Development of molecular genetic kit for rapid diagnosis of neonatal sepsis and rapid detection of causative microorganisms

The institution from which the support was received: 1507- TÜBİTAK SME R&D Initial Support Program


2- Kit that analyzes 18 STR (Short Tandem Repeat) regions for identification in forensic sciences, chimerism studies after bone marrow transplantation in medicine, and tissue contamination studies.


The institution from which the support was received: 1511- TUBITAK Priority Areas Research, Development, and Innovation PDP


3- Doctorate Program in Industry

The institution from which the support was received: 2244- TÜBİTAK Doctorate Program in Industry


4- Development of immune-targeted therapy agent(s) in cancer treatment

Institution From Which Support Was Received: AYDE-KAP-SAYEM-2018-01- First Phase Call for Industry Innovation Network Mechanism (SAYEM) to Develop High Value-Added Product or Product Group


5- Development of an ELISA Test to Monitor the COVID-19 Agent Sars-cov2 Virus and the Response to the Virus

The institution from which the support was received: 1507- TÜBİTAK SME R&D Initial Support Program


6- Production of uPK cells for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and their use in disease modeling, development of test kits to test drugs in disease models to be obtained

The institution from which the support was received: 1004- TUBITAK Center of Excellence Regenerative and Restorative Medicine Research Application Program


7- Identification and Development of New Theranostic Biomarkers and Cellular Therapy Approaches for Cancer and Cancer Stem Cell

The institution from which the support was received: 1501- TUBITAK Industry R&D Projects Support Program


8- Investigation of Natural Immunity Defects, Combined Immunodeficiencies, and Primary Immunodeficiencies Caused by Immune Dysregulation by Genetic and Advanced Immunological Methods

The institution from which the support was received: 1003 - TUBITAK - Priority Areas


9- Investigation of New Genes Responsible for Etiology in Maturity Onset Diabetes of Youth (Mody) Patients with No Mutation Detected in 11 Genes Known to be Responsible for Etiology

The institution from which the support was received: 1001 - TUBITAK


10- Potential Therapeutic Efficacy of Lentivirus Mediated Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Gene Transplant in a Retinal Degenerative Disease Model

The institution from which the support was received: 1001 - TUBITAK


11- IGF-1 Gene Mutation in Non-Syndromic Mandibular Retrognathia Cases and . Investigation of Polymorphism Encoded Regions and Intron-Exon Junction Regions by Sequence Analysis

The institution from which the support was received: 1002 - TUBITAK


12- Cellular and Humoral Immune Response Mechanism of 3rd Generation Lentiviral Vector-mediated SARS-Cov-2 Spike Gene Transplantation Against Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) with Integrase Disability

The institution from which the support was received: 1001 - TUBITAK


Projects Supported by Other Institutions

1- R&D/ Project Cooperation

The institution from which the support was received: Lokman Hekim University

The cooperation developed to carry out projects with the students and faculty members of Lokman Hekim University began to bear its first fruits.


• Medical Genetics AD was established

• Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs Research Center was established.

• Joint projects with students started

• Rare disease awareness meetings were held for physicians

• Work started on research projects with pharmaceutical companies

• Studies started with the Faculty of Pharmacy


2- All Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing Analysis in Patients with Degenerative and Traumatic Meniscal Tear

The institution from which the support was received: Afyon University of Health Sciences3- Developing a fast and effective diagnostic algorithm for the diagnosis of sepsis and the detection of antibiotic resistance

The institution from which the support was received: Afyon University of Health Sciences


4- Investigation of the effects of Gaucher disease and Fabry disease variants in Parkinson's disease patients

The institution from which the support was received: Ankara University


5- Investigation of genetic factors in contracture myopathies

The institution from which the support was received: Istanbul University


6- Screening of Mody disease-related genes in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and re-evaluation of MODY diagnostic criteria

The institution from which the support was received: Ankara University


7- Determination of Clinical and Genetic Characteristics of Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes

The institution from which the support was received: Istanbul University


8- Investigation of familial and somatic mutations in the p53 gene in uterine myoma patients

The institution from which the support was received: Aydın Adnan Menderes University


9- Investigation of P53 gene mutations in evacuation material in pregnancy losses

The institution from which the support was received: Adıyaman University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


10- Investigation of HSD3B2 gene mutations in Polycystic Ovary Patients

The institution from which the support was received: Adıyaman University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


11- Investigation of mutations and polymorphisms of MSX1 and PAX 9 genes in oligodontia cases

The institution from which the support was received: Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Orthodontics


12- MSX1 gene sequence analysis and investigation of the frequency of MTHFR (2 SNP), MTR (1 SNP), and MTRR (1 SNP) in patients with cleft palate and lip

The institution from which the support was received: Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Orthodontics


13- ADRB2 gene polymorphisms in patients with transient tachypnea T-47C, A46G, C79G and C491T (TACC) polymorphisms of ADRB2, investigation of beta 1gly49 polymorphism

The institution from which the support was received: T.C. Ministry of Health Dr. Sami Ulus Gynecology, Child Health and Diseases Training, and Research Hospital


14- UGT1A1 gene polymorphisms in cases of prolonged jaundice, SLCO1B1 c.11187G>A, SLCO1B1 c.388A>G, SLCO1B1 c.463C>A, SLCO1B1 521T>C, SLCO1B1 c.1463Gism>C, and SL334T>c polymorphs of SLCO1B3 , Detection of 2 null alleles for Gst, investigation of <24 GT polymorphisms for Ho-1

The institution from which the support was received: T.C. Ministry of Health Dr. Sami Ulus Gynecology, Child Health and Diseases Training, and Research Hospital


15- Investigation of Human Platelet Antigen polymorphisms in newborn thrombocytopenias

The institution from which the support was received: T.C. Ministry of Health Dr. Sami Ulus Gynecology, Child Health and Diseases Training, and Research Hospital


16- Investigation of 11 genes identified in patients diagnosed with MODY

The institution from which the support was received: T.C. Ministry of Health Dr. Sami Ulus Gynecology, Child Health and Diseases Training, and Research Hospital


17- Detection of the gene and etiology of the disease, whose gene is unknown, by exome sequencing in a patient sample diagnosed with Pseudodiastrophic Dysplasia

The institution from which the support was received: Malatya İnönü University


18- Braf V600E mutation, CKit mutations (Exons 9-11-13 and 17), GFR- mutations (Exon 18-19-20-21), EGFR – duplications and deletions (FISH), EGFR- methylation, Her2 in endometrial cancer samples duplication-deletion (FISH), presence of HPV and HPV typing (Real-Time PCR and sequence analysis), PDGFRA (Exons 12 and 18), Kras gene mutations (mutations for colon cancer)

The institution from which the support was received: Abant İzzet Baysal University


19- Evaluation of the Effects of Different Force Types on Orthodontic Teeth Movements

The institution from which support was received: Erciyes University Faculty of Dentistry Orthodontic Clinic


20- Expression analysis of OPG, RANKL, and Cox2 genes from 20-36 rat females

The institution from which support was received: Erciyes University Faculty of Dentistry Orthodontic Clinic


21- Investigation of IL10 gene mutations and polymorphisms with IL10 gene sequence analysis in 100 Behçet's patients and 50 control samples

The institution from which the support was received: Ankara University Department of Eye Diseases


22- CPLX1 gene sequence analysis and FMF 12 mutation analysis in 100 Behçet's patients and 50 control samples

The institution from which the support was received: Ankara University Department of Eye Diseases



* Apart from these projects, hundreds of projects have been supported.