When Should I Apply To Genetics?



• Are you related to your spouse? If the answer is yes?

• Are you “same or close villager” with your spouse? If the answer is yes?

• Are your parent's relatives? If the answer is yes?

• Are your parents the same villager? If the answer is yes?

• Is there a history of genetic disease in your family? If the answer is yes?

• Is there a disease seen in more than one person in your family? If the answer is yes?

• Are there any mentally handicapped or handicapped individuals in both families? If the answer is yes?

• Have you had miscarriages or a baby who died during pregnancy? If the answer is yes?

• Do your siblings, mother or mother-in-law have multiple miscarriages or have children born and died? If the answer is yes?

• Is there any person in the family who does not have children? If the answer is yes?

• Is there a child with a developmental delay in the family? If the answer is yes?

• Did your baby have a problem in your previous pregnancies? If the answer is yes?

• Have you had any problems during pregnancy in your previous pregnancies? If the answer is yes?

• Do you or your family have children born and died? If the answer is yes?

• Are there any children with anomalies in the family? If the answer is yes?

• Do you have a sick child? If the answer is yes?

• Has gestational diabetes been detected? If the answer is yes?

• Do you have a disease that you think does not improve that causes you to go to the doctor more than once? (Do you have a chronic disease?) If the answer is Yes?

• Do you have a disease that cannot be diagnosed or resolved? If the answer is yes?

• Do you have a frequent febrile illness? (More than 2 per year) If the answer is Yes?

• Have you had an epileptic seizure? If the answer is yes?

• Do you have a medication that you use regularly? If the answer is yes?

• Have you had a condition such as excessive hair growth or early puberty? If the answer is yes?

• Do you or your family have a disease that is said to be genetic? If the answer is yes?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, definitely apply to a genetics center.



• Clinical Genetics

• Dysmorphology

• Rare Diseases

• Genetic Counseling

• Maternal Fetal Medicine-Genetic Studies

• Prenatal Diagnosis

• Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

• Postnatal Diagnosis

• Clinical Reporting

• Clinical Interpretation of Reports

• Postmortem Evaluation and Autopsy in Fetus and Newborn

• Cancer Genetics

• Pharmacogenetics and Personal Medicine

• Congenital Metabolic Diseases

• Skeletal System Diseases and Skeletal Dysplasia

• Muscle Diseases-Dystrophies

• Deafness and Hearing Disorders

• Neurogenetic Diseases

• Genetic Origin Endocrinological Diseases

• Tissue Culture

• Special Test Design for Diagnostic Studies

• Next Generation Sequencing Panel Tests for Differential Diagnosis

• Pathology

• Clinical Counseling and Consultation

• Test Organizations and Medical Material Transfer



• If you live in Ankara, you can come to our center.

• If you want to be examined, make an appointment.

• You can call our center whenever you want to consult by phone.

• To send your material from outside the city, learn the required sample type and how to get it taken from our center by phone or message, and package it in a way that it will not break and send it to our center by cargo.

• To send your material from abroad, find out the required sample type and how to get it taken by phone or message from our center and put your samples in a box approved by the United Nations. Fill in the required forms from the link below and send them to our center by cargo. You can obtain United Nations-approved boxes from our center.